Program Package SHUFFLE

S. Slavic, B. Zefran Institute Jozef Stefan
Reactor Physics Division
Ljubljana, Slovenija

ABSTRACT - Program package SHUFFLE was developed at "Jozef Stefan" Institute for preparing and monitoring the fuel loading operation at Kr{ko nuclear power plant. Using the package, planning and reloading operation is easier and more safe. The program can create, edit and check steps in the shuffling plan. Summary about number and type of fuel elements at any location is generated. Program monitors fuel shuffling during reloading and compares it with the plan.


Program SHUFFLE is designed in CLIPPER program language. Program display deliberately resembles to the magnetic board with all locations (reactor core, new fuel storage, spent fuel pit) and fuel elements descriptions (type, assembly id.).

Main features of the program SHUFFLE are on follows:

  1. Prepare shuffling plan.
    Program can work in batch (user prepares a collection of steps in input file) or interactive mode (manually shuffling elements using keyboard or mouse). Program interface is easy to learn and use. In the interactive mode user can choose different ways for shuffling elements (eg. shuffling to-from, shuffling through panel, shuffling "via",...). Mode is chosen from program setup. Any correct step is recorded to history file.
  2. Create, correct, insert, list or delete steps in shuffling plan.
    User can change step or group of steps in shuffling plan. Program automatically provides documentation for changes, which have been made.
  3. List, edit or renumerate sequences in shuffling plan.
    Program has internal buffers for editing sequences. Program is capable to edit, append, list, write or read to file or delete buffer.
  4. Playback the shuffling sequence.
    "Reshuffle" option allows quick review of shuffling plan. User can step forward and backward through plan and program shows the moves on the color screen. User may verify correctness of the moves.
  5. Statistics.
    Program can search for an element or groups of elements (e.g. all elements with burnable poisons) and then mark them on the screen. Program can generate statistics about number and type of a fuel element at any location.
  6. Reports.
    Program displays data in standard Fuel Handling Data Sheet format (FHDS) or in other practical formats (picture of reactor core, new fuel storage, spent fuel pit with elements, Reports are printed on HP LaserJet laser printer.
  7. Monitor and verify fuel shuffling and compare it with the plan.
    During reactor core loading step checking is performed.

For each step program can produce input for program GNOMER, which is used for criticallity calculation of intermediate loading patterns if it is necessary to verify their shutdown margin.